Tennessee Valley
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News Releases

TVECG News Releases

Winter Storm Elliot Review    April, 2023

Calendar Year 2022 Baseline Study   May, 2023

TVECG Comments on TVA Executive Salaries and Bonus Objectives   June, 2023

TVECG Comments on Kingston EIS  July 3, 2023

TVECG Comments Submitted on TVA IRP  July 3, 2023

TVECG Upcoming Reports  July 18, 2023 (Join TVECG to review and comment on draft reports)

 Breaking News! August 23, 2023. TVECG is presenting a petition to the TVA Board requesting that all new commitments for natural gas plants and infrastructure be delayed pending completion of the TVA 2024 IRP and then decisions be made in accordance with the IRP results. The petition is here. Please Join Us and help support this petition and the IRP studies to come. Update: TVA did not respond to our petition and is pushing ahead with a $15 billion capital expenditure plan, most of which is for the construction of new natural gas power plants.

Response to TVA Board Meeting of August 24,2023.pdf